Sabtu, 23 Juni 2012

Know about Jaundice in Newborns


Yellow in the newborn is called jaundice, the bilirubin deposits under the skin. This is caused by the attachment of bilirubin or bile pigment, a yellow skin and eyes. If there were only a dozen levels of bilirubin mg / dL is usually okay, but when very high (hyperbilirubinemia), so be wary. 20mg/dL bilirubin levels may exceed the brain's fear can cause permanent damage.

High and low levels of bilirubin depend on the number of red blood cells burst and the liver's ability to process and remove bilirubin. Yellow is not dangerous bilirubin levels occurred at approximately 5-6mg/dL in the third and fourth days. Then decreased and disappeared within a week. 17mg/dL bilirubin levels until the day of the fourth and fifth are also generally well tolerated by infants.

Facts about the yellow
The most common cause of maternal blood is less suited to baby's blood. If the mother has Rh negative (Rh-) while the baby is rhesus positive or have a mother has blood type O while the babies had blood group A, B, or AB, then the baby's blood will be a lot of breaks.

Other causes are often found in people of Asia is the lack of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenate (G-6-PD) enzyme which served to strengthen the walls of red blood set.

In addition, the baby sometimes clash in the head at birth, resulting in a bump on the head that contains blood. The blood is then melts and release bilirubin.

There are also increased levels of bilirubin that is not normal. The most common is when the baby's red blood cells are broken too many.

Fortunately there are several factors that protect infants from high bilirubin. Most of bilirubin will bind to the protein albumin to each other. Form that is bound to albumin is not dangerous and cannot get into the brain. In addition, the liver is also working hard to remove the excess bilirubin.

If there is disruption to both the process bilirubin would be dangerous as well, for example:

• The baby gets some kind of drugs such as sulfa-containing antibiotic, erythromycin, or chloramphenicol. These drugs bind to albumin so that the remaining amount of albumin is less able to bind bilirubin.
• Premature infants often have impaired liver function
• Infants who have an infection, which can also interfere with liver function

Is breast milk increases bilirubin?
Once home, in day-to-6 weeks to 2 breastfed babies sometimes also have increased risk of bilirubin. Breast milk contains the enzyme B-glucoronidase and some types of fatty acids that can interfere with the processing of bilirubin. In these conditions, the milk should be stopped for a while but still squeezed in order not to stop. When the cause is due to breastfeeding, within 48 hours of bilirubin will decline rapidly by about 3mg/dL in 1 day. And then breastfeeding can be resumed.

If the baby is yellow....
The most important note is not to prevent bilirubin rose steadily until it reaches dangerous levels. Usually, doctors use a diagram to predict whether the bilirubin levels will increase steadily until the levels of harmful or not.

"High or low levels of bilirubin depending on how many sets of broken red blood and the liver's ability to process and remove bilirubin"

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